Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My last final Moments.... 7 Months later March - September 2010

Well hello my follow readers , it’s been a while since our last experience together.

This month has been quite something wow, reason being, it is my last month not only in reception but in front office. I have spent the past the last 7 months learning the ins and outs of front office and what exactly it expects from every single employee within its department.

Just to do I bit of re-capping of my 7 month journey

April – Laundry / Housekeeping / Marketing
May – Reservations
June – Guest relations, switchboard, travel desk
July – Reception
August – Reception / Marketing
September – Reception

My journey thus far down the lane of front office has been a great one, one of learning and gaining of great experience. I have learned so much not only about the work one has to do, but I have learned about my fellow colleagues and the “real” world has people call it. So I would like to thank every single department and department head for making every moment (well most moments special even though sometimes I just got driven up the wall LOL ) but on the whole I couldn't have asked for it any other way.


Ladies thank you, you all taught me a lot and really showed me the meaning of what hard work is.


To you I will always be grateful you were my first opera learning experience and took time out of your busy day and gave some to me.

Guest relations / switchboard and travel desk

Thanks to you all too, you really added great knowledge to my long journey ahead.


The biggest thank you to all. You have taught me more things in these past 3 months than I could have ever imagined. I will always be forever thankful to you all.

Lots of love

Hotel Guy

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