Friday, July 29, 2011

Lloyd Jansen: S.A's hottest local artist

Good Day all

After a long anticipated wait local Cape Town artist Llyod Jansen has released his debut self titled album "Llyod Jansen".

After his 2008/2009 hit single "call of the search" many people wanted to hear more of his music and finally now you can.

this is what stereo records had to say about Llyods debut album:

Lloyd Jansen, the third Cape Town artist signed to StereoType Records, is setting the local music scene ablaze with his soulful voice, charismatic performances and infectious stage charm.

Become a fan of LLoyd Jansen on Facebook

"A Cape Town native, Lloyd has been signing, performing and entertaining from a very young age. During his teen years Lloyd received vocal training from the acclaimed coach Karen Bradfield. Lloyd has put his training to good use , performing with one of Cape Town’s most well know musical trio’s – “Soul” and is now also a member of “The Black Ties”

So if you want to hear this awesome guys music you can purchase the tracks from:


Your local: Look and Listen out lets.

if you would also like you can add i comment to this post and i can organise the album for you at the price of R150.00

Hotel Guy

Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Franschhoek Holiday experience

Good day all my readers

So I promised you a post about my holiday and in Fransshoek so here it is:
Last year November I decided I wanted to go away on holiday somewhere nice and far but not to far so couldn’t make up my mind were exactly I wanted to go , until I saw an add on Gumtree for a place in Fransshoek called: Otters Bend Lodge and it was running at a special. So I immediately phoned and made a booking and paid a deposit. This was really exciting for me for two reasons:
1. I achieved a goal for myself and it became reality.
2. It is my first holiday away since I have been in Cape Town and I paid for it myself.
So I left on the Saturday morning 16 April and first stopped off in Stellenbosch to have a walk about and land take some pictures like I was a tourist on a mission lol. After about and hour in Stellenbosch I drove through to fransshoek when I stopped at a place called Cafe Le Choclatere (which is a fancy small deli/restaurant in the beginning of the main road of Fransshoek – lol because Fransshoek is actually just one long main road). There I had some fine chocolate's and a mango smoothie (which wasn’t that great but it was okay). Once I was done I headed to Otters Bend lodge (which is located behind the main road of Fransshoek near the Monte Rochel hotel).
There I met Mark the owner of Otters Bend Lodge , a really layed back awesome guy who had no hesitation introducing me to the lodge and showing me the log cabin in which I would stay. I firstly got a small log cabin but he said it was just for the evening and tomorrow morning I can have the main cabin which was much bigger. That night I went to dinner to Calcatious Pizzeria and had one of the best pizzas ever just brilliant!! and exceptional service.

The next day I moved into the bigger cabin which was bigger and absolutely more fabulous. Then decided to go and speak to Mark with regards what all i could do while i was in Franshhoek so he took a map and went through everything with me.

Os the first place i had to go to was the Hugenote chocolates which is a small chocolate factory in Franshhoek which makes there own chocolates in many different shapes , sizes and flavours all pure BELGIUM chocolate so goooood!!!. After that i decided it would be great to go and a find a good place to go and have breakfast and that's were i discovered the most fabulous restaurant to have breakfast called: Cafe Benedict , they served the best sunrise breakfast and french toast with rocket and lemon curd yummy yum and it was super cheap so i decided to make Cafe Benedict the restaurant of chose for breakfast.

So once my day was up went back to the lodge to go and rest in my new big cabin (and then there it was above the roof something i expected seeing that i am staying a in a log cabin a massive Rain spider needless to say he was out there as fast as he came in. now it was time for some peace and quite as i had i hectic day ahead for me.

The following day i decided to go do some wine tasting so i started off at a place called: My Wynn which was at a women's house who made only 20 barrels of wine per year and she did all the work herself this was a fantastic experience as it was so personalised and an awesome experience i bought a bottle of dessert wine called: My amber (2010) only 1300 bottles made and half of that number is in Germany (as it is one of her suppliers). Once i was done i went to a place called" Cahmonix which was just down the road from My Wynn , there i had 3 wines and some grappa (omw never in my life have i ever tasted something that strong it was really bad worse than the afrikaans drink: Mampoer lol).

After Chamonix , i went to : Haute Cabriere (which sells all the Pierre Jourdaan products) there i had some bella rose champagne stunning!! and bought a bottle of dessert wine called: Rafilia (i think lol) stunning dessert wine. Well it was 3 wine farms down and 25 glasses of wine later , it was time i headed back to the lodge and sleep as i was slightly tipsy ehehhehehe.

For that evening i had some nice dinner pasta yayayay my favourite. I also stood around the camp fire and chilled and chatted to some of the owners friends who were all there and we all just bounded and had a great evening. Now it was definitely time for to go sleep (seeing i didn't actually sleep in the afternoon LOL) so i went to bed and had a great evening. i am also a little sad because tomorrow is my second last day in Francshhoek.

The following Day i had my last breakfast at Cafe Benedict all the staff recognised me as i walked into the restaurant , i started feeling like a local LOL. After breakfast i headed outside Franschhoek to go and do some tasting at the Graham Beck wine estate WOW! what a stunning estate the best one that i have seen out of all of them so far. After Graham beck i headed off to Boekenhoudskloof wine estate , also a really stunning estate , i even got the opportunity to walk through the vineyard which was really amazing (seeing at all the other wine farms i wasn't allowed to).
After the two farms i was already feeling "sloshed" so i got some food an headed back to the lodge just to relax an enjoy the last day in this amazing place.

The next morning i packed all my things with a very sad emotion as i did not want to leave , i thanked Marc for the amazing stay and jumped into my car and headed back home.

My holiday in Franschhoek was the most amazing time of my life. I would really recommend it to anyone to go toake a holiday there (ecspicially if you just want to escape the city life , its the prefect setting for that). Thank you to everyone who made it special for me and i will be back next year because i decided to make it an annual thing.

Here is the details for Otters bend lodge if you need accommodation in Franschhoek:

Reservations July 2011

Hey readers

Wow what a month in the reservations department.
Let’s first start off by saying I was actually meant to be in the kitchen this month yet the new Rooms Division Manager Efi Ella stole me to come work in the reservations , due to the fact they needed help because two staff members were going on leave.

I actually learned so much during my month here (didn’t think I would actually because it my 3rd time in the department and I just thought it would be the same). Clearly I was wrong there are a few things that still are the same, but there is so much new stuff I have learned like the following:

- Using Synxis (CRS – system) to double check the bookings as well as how to build a synxis booking that has not intergraded into the PMS system.

- Building bookings for : ecco tours , and expedia

- Adjusting Rates to suit bookings

- Using the wild key to pick up profiles.

- Laser fiche (document manager)

- Building a COMP booking

So there is quite a lot. This is really one department I see myself in once I have done studying. There’s so much work, there’s pressure, there’s challenges all the things I love about hospitality can be found in a reservations department.

Thank you to all in the office for training me on all the new changes and being there for me when I needed help and of course the chats and laughs. It is greatly appreciated.

Then on a small separate note:
Well done to Mariska Rademeyer on her promotion from group reservationists to the new Reservations manager congratulations Mariska I know you will do well and good luck!

Hotel Guy

Destination X : Hotel of the month? YOU choose!

Hey all

i have decided to extend this for the month of august/September untill i receive more comments.

Please remember to enter the annual round of Hotel of the month? you choose!!

* just a tip when you post a comment it will ask to select a profile select: annoymous if you dont not have a google or gmail account

ENTER ENTER ENTER if you want to see your hotel feature on the one and only hotel guys page

How to enter:

1. You need to post a comment on this post for which hotel you would like to see be featured next.
2. Once the 2 weeks is up of which i require at LEAST 5 different hotels.
3. A voting poll of the top 5 or how ever many hotels there are will then go up , where you will then vote on which one you would like to see featured on my blog.


1. The hotel must be a minimum of a 3* deluxe and up , i will NOT take into account hotels under a 3* deluxe brand
2. The hotel does not have to be in Cape town it can be any were in the world.

3. PLEASE THIS IS IMPORTANT - By featuring different hotels on my blog is not a form of promotional or advertising work , it is simply an information feature to let people know what variety is out there

So get those comments rolling
(and take note comments will only be excepted on this post and this post only , not on any other postings)

Good Luck and cant wait to hear from you


Hotel Guy

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Destination X : Remember to enter the hotel of the month? you choose!!

Hey all

Please remember to enter the annual round of Hotel of the month? you choose!!

* just a tip when you post a comment it will ask to select a profile select: annoymous if you dont not have a google or gmail account

ENTER ENTER ENTER if you want to see your hotel feature on the one and only hotel guys page

How to enter:

1. You need to post a comment on this post for which hotel you would like to see be featured next.
2. Once the 2 weeks is up of which i require at LEAST 5 different hotels.
3. A voting poll of the top 5 or how ever many hotels there are will then go up , where you will then vote on which one you would like to see featured on my blog.


1. The hotel must be a minimum of a 3* deluxe and up , i will NOT take into account hotels under a 3* deluxe brand
2. The hotel does not have to be in Cape town it can be any were in the world.

3. PLEASE THIS IS IMPORTANT - By featuring different hotels on my blog is not a form of promotional or advertising work , it is simply an information feature to let people know what variety is out there

So get those comments rolling
(and take note comments will only be excepted on this post and this post only , not on any other postings)

Good Luck and cant wait to hear from you


Hotel Guy

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Second Annual: Destination X: Hotel of the month? You choose!!

Good Day all my fellow readers

yes the time has come where the month is slowly drawing to an end and i need your help. I am running my second annual Hotel of the month you choose!

The rules are still the same so go ahead comment and see your most favourite hotel published on

How to enter:

1. You need to post a comment on this post for which hotel you would like to see be featured next.
2. Once the 2 weeks is up of which i require at LEAST 5 different hotels.
3. A voting poll of the top 5 or how ever many hotels there are will then go up , where you will then vote on which one you would like to see featured on my blog.


1. The hotel must be a minimum of a 3* deluxe and up , i will NOT take into account hotels under a 3* deluxe brand
2. The hotel does not have to be in Cape town it can be any were in the world.

3. PLEASE THIS IS IMPORTANT - By featuring different hotels on my blog is not a form of promotional or advertising work , it is simply an information feature to let people know what variety is out there

So get those comments rolling
(and take note comments will only be excepted on this post and this post only , not on any other postings)

Good Luck and cant wait to hear from you


Hotel Guy

Farewell Johanita Jacobs i will miss you.....

Good Day my fellow readers

Well even though I have had a very first good month back at the hotel it has been a very sad one to.
This month we all had to say good bye to the Rooms Division Manager: Johanita Jacobs
Johanita simply put was a Crown Diamond for The Vineyard Hotel and Spa. She not only has been an amazing manager but she was a mother for some, listener for others and for me she was all of that but especially my MENTOR.

When I first applied for my trainee ship back in November / December 2009 I had to come for two interviews in my second interview it was in front of Johanita and I could immediately tell this was a lady that has a passion for this industry.

Needless to say thanks to her vote I got this position. Lol I can still remember when I had to come hand in my signed contract she took it from me and said “Dean, don’t make me regret my decision “with that big white smile and a *wink*.
During my time at the hotel I went through many different things with regards to my position at the hotel and trying to explore many opportunities but before I did anything I would go and speak to Johanita to ask for her advice because I knew she was always the one that would tell me the truth and be straight forward enough with me (which Is one of her super qualities I have always appreciated).

Johanita has left to pursue her long term dream to go and work on celebrity cruise ships aboard Royal Caribbean cruise liners.
She knows that she will be greatly missed and especially by me because I had to lose my mentor (but at least not forever LOl  ) she will be back in the next 4 months.

So Ms.J.Jacobs good luck you will be missed by all of us and good luck with everything you know you will be a success and don’t forget about us here in Cape Town and I will see you very soon!!!!

Hotel Guy

Reception / Maintenance June 2011

Good Day my fellow readers

Well upon my arrival at the hotel after being away for a while I had to come back and do 2 weeks of maintenance.
However when Johanita heard that I was in maintenance she quickly grabbed me and said that I am needed in reception LOl  . I did not mind what so ever as you all know by now that anything that’s got to do with front office is my passion so how could I resist?

However I still had to do a few days of maintenance which wasn’t that bad what so ever. Just practically did a walk around the hotel spot checking different areas and making sure that the problems were sorted and recorded. Maintenance department has to deal with more than just guest maintenance needs but as well as the rest of the staff in the hotel (which is super impressive as they are known as the “handy guys” for the entire hotel”. They also mainly work on a call bases so when there’s a problem either logged at reception or housekeeping they will go investigate and see if they can sort out the problem. , however if the problem cannot be sorted out an outsourced company will be called in to have a look at the problem.
Reception has not been half bad either I have learned a few new things like how the bill backs are now no longer two pages only one as the rest gets stored into laser fiche so that no paper go to waste. There are a few more new procedures with regards to checking in guest like smoking stickers, scratching their credit card on their authorisation as an imprint to prove that the card was here.

Some other exciting new (well exciting for me) I will not be attending the kitchen this month (July) as Efi Ella (Reservations manager) needs me in reservations for the month as some of the staff is going to be on leave. So that’s quite exciting can’t wait for that.

I know I promised you all my posting for my time away in Fransshoek which will come still trying to get my wording right with regards to the post and as soon as it is ready it will be up.

Hotel Guy

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

CPUT Granger Bay Hotel School block course year 1 and 2

Good Day my fellow readers

Well I have just come back from my 2 months leave, well 1 months leave and 1 months University studies. Anyhow thought i would share with you my marks for 2010 and 2011

Culinary Theory: 76%
Food and Beverage: 85%
Hospitality Management: 75%
Hospitality financial Management: 90%
Hospitality Law: 90%
Accommodation: 65%

Culinary Theory: 86%
Food and Beverage: 87%
Hospitality Management: 84%
Hospitality financial Management: 96%
Hospitality Law: 91%
Accommodation: 82%

So I improved quite well so one more 6 week block course left and i am done. Can you believe that!
I will be placing a new post with regards to my fantastic holiday away in Franshhoek can’t wait to share that with you so watch this space........

Hotel Guy

Friday, April 1, 2011

From a Coral to a Hilton

Good Day my readers

Have you heard the latest rumor in the hotel buz...
about The Coral International hotel changing into a Hilton. Well it is TRUE!!

According to an article published in the Cape Argus The Hilton group bought over one of the only "dry" hotel in Cape Town (dry meaning that the hotel did not sell any alcoholic products what so ever but guests were allowed to bring their own "booze""

According to further sources The Coral group has sold their chain of hotels in South Africa to The Hilton group. So we official have our second Hilton hotel in South Africa

The Hotel will be named The Cape Town City Center Hotel until all procedures and plans have been put in place for the new Hilton Hotel.

I am trying to arrange an interview with one of the managers to find out exactly how the change came about so that we as hoteliers can know!!!!


Hotel Guy

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Year one!!!!! What a year..... 2010 - 2011

Good Day my readers

Well my first official year as a new hotelier has come to an end.

I will be going on leave from the 1 – 30 April 2011.

My first year at the hotel has been an amazing, fun and a bumpy ride. I have gained much
experience in this industry within a year, possibly more experience, knowledge and skills than I have
ever thought I would gain in one year.

Starting at the bottom of the pyramid is not always fun because one feels like they always reach this
peak in their life and then suddenly this massive drop down to the bottom again when you start
something new. Kind of like being on the top in grade 7 then dropping when you reach high school
for the first time. It is not always a great feeling but you need not to ponder upon this feeling but
rather look at the bigger picture which is a qualification and a top job.

This is exactly what I keep in mind all the time. Being in the hotel industry is not always the easiest
thing in the world due to the fact you the one that needs to try and keep everyone around you
happy all the time (which is not always possible because we all human and we all make mistakes)
So yes at times it is difficult an I have my bad moments but those bad moments due not compare
to all the good moments I have , meeting new people an interacting with guests every day for me is
the best job in the world because I love making use of my people skills and it allows me to feel really
proud of myself.

So yes my 1st year has been tough but I have enjoyed almost every moment of it and have gained
and learned so much. I am appreciative everyday for the all the people who have influenced my life
and who have taught me how to become one of the best hoteliers in this business.

Love you all will be posting when am back.......
got some new exciting blogs coming soon... something i didnt do last year watch this space...


Hotel Guy

Hotel of the month: The Taj Hotel

Hello all

"The Taj Cape Town welcomes guests to the vibrant heart of one of the world's most scenic and desirable cities, Cape Town.

The Taj Cape Town is a combination of rich history and elegant contemporary architecture. Originally home to the South African Reserve Bank and Temple Chambers, later the Board of Executors (BOE), it successfully combines the heritage of the old with the luxury of the new.

This five-star hotel is ideally located in the centre of historic Cape Town at the entrance to the famous pedestrian precinct, St George's Mall. Its prime site ensures that the Taj Cape Town is perfectly situated for those looking to discover authentic Cape Town; and its blend of fascinating history, exotic culture, soulful art, lively entertainment and delectable cuisine.

The historic structure of the Taj Cape Town is home to the Heritage Rooms and Suites, Tower Rooms and Suites, The Presidential Suite and the Taj Club. These 177 exquisite rooms offer guests old-world quality complemented by modern features and luxury amenities.

The Taj Cape Town presents an eclectic variety of cuisine and culinary experiences including an Indian specialty restaurant, a relaxed all-day dining restaurant and a champagne and oyster bar. The magnificent banqueting and meeting rooms combine the elegance of a bygone era with state-of-the-art technology. In addition the hotel offers a full Jiva Grande Spa and a fitness centre.

The Taj Cape Town is perfectly placed to impart an exceptional and unforgettable Mother City experience."

All text within this posting was taken from the Taj hotel website and is copyrighted
check out the website by clicking on the link below


Hotel Guy

Room Service March 2011

Good Day all

When one hears the word "room service" what do you think of?
- "providing a service to a guests room"

Well that is exactly what room service is about.
My two weeks in room service has been great. It is a pity my time has been so limited , due to the fact they need my exceptional skills :-) in reception for the last 2.5 weeks of March.

During my time in room service i was actually very surprised about all the different areas an procedures room service covers (defiantly more than i suspected). It is more than just answering phones , taking and delivering orders. They also are required to set up for various functions (mainly in-house departmental function) - neither the less it is still a function. They also deal with breakfast cards which are cards guests fill out for breakfast that they want to be delivered to their room the next morning. They also prepare welcome drinks for various groups that arrive at the hotel or welcome drinks requested for a certain number of people. Then they also have the entire mini bar side of things (which already is a big area on its own).

My time spent here has taught me how to prepare a tray for an order , ranging , preparing and procedures of breakfast cards and how the procedure of cash up works.

So i have enjoyed my time in room service once again even though it was only for 2 weeks it has added on to my skills an experience within this industry an for that i am forever thankful.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Splash Cafe February 2011

Hello All.....

Wow what a start to February an what better place to be at then the Splash Café down at the pool.

The Splash Café is a semi restaurant / cocktail an smoothie bar at the pool , that provides the guests with the opportunity to have something awesome to drink : very berry , mango mamma or moment of weakness or a meal to finish off a full day at the pool: foot long hotdog , organic beef burger or the amazing salmon wrap.

Upon one’s morning arrival at Splash you need to set up a lot of different things before your day even gets started. You start with the lounges by the pool, by placing the plastic lounger over the steel work frame an ending it off by putting a towel cover over the plastic. You then need to bring out all the tables from inside to the outside an relay them all, with cutlery, side plate an a napkin as well as condiments. These tables are used for outside guests who just want to come an have a relaxed lunch by the pool side or for the guests wanting a break from the lounges. At the end of the day you need to do the same as above but all in reverse.

The Splash café is also well known for their functions. It is one of the hotels best function areas. Due to the fact it is out in the open and has that hip/modern vibe and touch to it. An come on now who wouldn’t want to party at the pool? 

Anther tradition at the Splash café is their weekly Sunday braais , which are just absolutely fantastic because its gives our international guest the opportunity to experience a true South African tradition. If you would like to book for one of these outstanding braais feel free to contact the Splash Café on: 021 657 4500 or email:

My time in Splash has been great. It was a completely different experience for me an thank you to all who made me feel welcome in your department and taught me the ropes.


Hotel Guy

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Interview with: General manager Roy Davies

Good Day all my fellow readers. Wow it has been a while but you know what they say all good things come to those who wait.

I have decided my first posting for 2011 was going to be my little project I am going to run for the next year which is as follows:

I will be doing an interview or two once a month with top managers from different hotels in and around Cape Town, whether they it be the general manager, food and beverage manager or rooms divisions manager. I want to try an get the best of the best to post onto my bog.

My very first interview I have ready is with one of Cape Towns top general managers:

Roy Davies the GM of The Vineyard Hotel and Spa.

It was such a privilege for me to have 30 minutes within his company asking him a series of questions to share with all of you as well as for me to gain some sort of knowledge an experience from such a top person. So that when I become I Gm one day I would have learned from the best.

Questions and Answers:

1. What made you study hospitality management an where did you complete your theory as well as practical?

- I didn’t complete any official hospitality qualification. I worked in the air force catering for 4 years and then completed an 18 month in- service programme at the Mount Nelson Hotel

2. What was the first position in an hotel once you had completed your 18 month in service programme?

- Assistant Banqueting Manager

3. At what time after your experience in the hotel industry did you have your first general manager role?

- 1994: GM of the Bay Hotel

4. What exactly does your role as the GM entail?

- Operations of the hotel
- Human recourses / Rooms Division an Food an Beverage directing
- Budgeting as well as the business aspect of the hotel
- Responsible for culture because whatever you do develops the culture of the business

5. Are your plans for the future to stay in hotel industry or move away from hotels to other hospitality services?

- No because I have already experienced the side of other hospitality services

6. What advice do you have for fellow trainee managers who aspire to be general managers one day?

- Take all opportunities as they present themselves
- Be committed
- Work hard
- Take initiative
- Have an enquiring mind
- An don’t think what you can get out of it but rather what you can give

7. If you had to choose to play any other role in an hotel besides the Gm what would it be?

- Human resources department

8. What was your most stressful moment you can think of that you have experienced during your time in the hotel industry?

- After working 9.5 years at The bay Hotel to be told you have been retrenched as well as other staff members and that it was my responsibility to tell them.

9. What is the most difficult part of your job?

- “Getting everyone of the bus facing the same direction and in the right seat".

Roy thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to interview you. I really learned some valuable information from you that will help me become a better leader one day.

Lots of love

Hotel Guy

Hotel of the month: The Mount Nelson Hotel and Spa

Good Day all

Mount Nelson Hotel, Cape Town
Set in a lush garden estate at the heart of Cape Town, the Mount Nelson Hotel is an iconic property that encapsulates the true spirit of Orient-Express.

Its romantic heritage recalls the days of great ocean liners and high tea on the veranda, while its contemporary dining scene adds a lively buzz.

Situated close by Table Mountain and Cape Town’s spectacular beaches, it offers easy access to all that’s happening in this vibrant city, while its gardens and spa are an oasis of calm.

Rooms & Suites
201 luxurious Rooms and Suites with a choice of spectacular views of Table Mountain or the verdant hotel gardens. More »

Restaurants & Bar
From fine dining to classic cocktails, the Mount Nelson's Restaurants and Bar are amongst the very best in Cape Town.

All text within this posting was taken from the Mount Nelson website and is copyrighted
check out the website by clicking on the link below


Hotel Guy