Tuesday, June 14, 2011

CPUT Granger Bay Hotel School block course year 1 and 2

Good Day my fellow readers

Well I have just come back from my 2 months leave, well 1 months leave and 1 months University studies. Anyhow thought i would share with you my marks for 2010 and 2011

Culinary Theory: 76%
Food and Beverage: 85%
Hospitality Management: 75%
Hospitality financial Management: 90%
Hospitality Law: 90%
Accommodation: 65%

Culinary Theory: 86%
Food and Beverage: 87%
Hospitality Management: 84%
Hospitality financial Management: 96%
Hospitality Law: 91%
Accommodation: 82%

So I improved quite well so one more 6 week block course left and i am done. Can you believe that!
I will be placing a new post with regards to my fantastic holiday away in Franshhoek can’t wait to share that with you so watch this space........

Hotel Guy


  1. The management techniques and practices of the United States hospitality industry are viewed by many as the best in the world. As sole African partner of the American Hospitality Academy the PHS strives to use these techniques and practices with unique South African and African applications and adaptations to ensure the above.

  2. Wow this is really a nice information. This is true that United States hospitality industry is one of the best industry in the world. Thanks for sharing this information.
