Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Reception Part TWO: 01 - 30 August 2010

Hello all , well as I am sure you can guess I am still in reception (Round two)

Wow where do I begin ? this month has been crazy as per normal (I guess in all hotels it is crazy) but the hotel I am currently at is always busy , well that is what one gets when you in a world renowned hotel.

Anyhow back to reception. I have learned a lot in this month, it is one of the very few departments in a hotel were one can learn so much. I have learned that one can move guest account to other rooms, today on 24.08.10 I learned how to split a bill (which I found really cool LOL (Laugh out loud). The only thing about this month and reception is that I have been working late shift upon late shift which is : 15:00 – 23:00 , which is great because I ca sleep late , but eventually it becomes to repetitive. Were a early shift: 06:45 – 15:15 is not that repetitive, reason been there is a lot more wok to do and you know the old story every guest is different.

I have had some downs during this past month but hey all of us have to pass the learning curve in life and yes it unfortunetly does bring with it both it's pros

There is a saying that goes something like this:

"I learned that good judgment comes from experience and that experience grows out of mistakes."

So yeah that was my part TWO in reception
Love you all

Hotel Guy

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