Friday, June 11, 2010

Switchboard 01 - 12 June 2010

Well well well switchboard , what can I say? It probably does not take a genious to be able to say “Good day welcome to the …. Hotel and Spa you speaking to Dean”. But it does take a special person to do this kind of job. Answering a phone is simple and easy but one must realise that you the first connection and “face” of your establishment when you pick up that phone and answer it. Many people can feel what you feel over the phone even if it is only hearing you through your voice, because your voice says a lot

Switchboard for me actually entailed a lot more than what I initially expected. Not only were there phones to be answered but the switchboard body acts as a permanent P.A to the rest of the front office team. Meaning radioing Housekeeping to inspect rooms , posting and sending parcels to wherever there destination lies , paging employees if one cannot get hold of them telephonically and many more other things amongst your main purpose of just answering phones and transferring calls.

My time in switchboard did teach me a few new things I had not yet known, but as they say you never to old to learn and one learns something new everyday. So thank you switchboard team in your support to help me along the way and teach me the ways of going about matters within in the switchboard circle, and good luck with answering those phones and keeping those noisy press away “No Comment “

Hotel Guy

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