Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Reception / Maintenance June 2011

Good Day my fellow readers

Well upon my arrival at the hotel after being away for a while I had to come back and do 2 weeks of maintenance.
However when Johanita heard that I was in maintenance she quickly grabbed me and said that I am needed in reception LOl  . I did not mind what so ever as you all know by now that anything that’s got to do with front office is my passion so how could I resist?

However I still had to do a few days of maintenance which wasn’t that bad what so ever. Just practically did a walk around the hotel spot checking different areas and making sure that the problems were sorted and recorded. Maintenance department has to deal with more than just guest maintenance needs but as well as the rest of the staff in the hotel (which is super impressive as they are known as the “handy guys” for the entire hotel”. They also mainly work on a call bases so when there’s a problem either logged at reception or housekeeping they will go investigate and see if they can sort out the problem. , however if the problem cannot be sorted out an outsourced company will be called in to have a look at the problem.
Reception has not been half bad either I have learned a few new things like how the bill backs are now no longer two pages only one as the rest gets stored into laser fiche so that no paper go to waste. There are a few more new procedures with regards to checking in guest like smoking stickers, scratching their credit card on their authorisation as an imprint to prove that the card was here.

Some other exciting new (well exciting for me) I will not be attending the kitchen this month (July) as Efi Ella (Reservations manager) needs me in reservations for the month as some of the staff is going to be on leave. So that’s quite exciting can’t wait for that.

I know I promised you all my posting for my time away in Fransshoek which will come still trying to get my wording right with regards to the post and as soon as it is ready it will be up.

Hotel Guy

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