Thursday, July 28, 2011

Destination X : Hotel of the month? YOU choose!

Hey all

i have decided to extend this for the month of august/September untill i receive more comments.

Please remember to enter the annual round of Hotel of the month? you choose!!

* just a tip when you post a comment it will ask to select a profile select: annoymous if you dont not have a google or gmail account

ENTER ENTER ENTER if you want to see your hotel feature on the one and only hotel guys page

How to enter:

1. You need to post a comment on this post for which hotel you would like to see be featured next.
2. Once the 2 weeks is up of which i require at LEAST 5 different hotels.
3. A voting poll of the top 5 or how ever many hotels there are will then go up , where you will then vote on which one you would like to see featured on my blog.


1. The hotel must be a minimum of a 3* deluxe and up , i will NOT take into account hotels under a 3* deluxe brand
2. The hotel does not have to be in Cape town it can be any were in the world.

3. PLEASE THIS IS IMPORTANT - By featuring different hotels on my blog is not a form of promotional or advertising work , it is simply an information feature to let people know what variety is out there

So get those comments rolling
(and take note comments will only be excepted on this post and this post only , not on any other postings)

Good Luck and cant wait to hear from you


Hotel Guy

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