Thursday, July 28, 2011

Reservations July 2011

Hey readers

Wow what a month in the reservations department.
Let’s first start off by saying I was actually meant to be in the kitchen this month yet the new Rooms Division Manager Efi Ella stole me to come work in the reservations , due to the fact they needed help because two staff members were going on leave.

I actually learned so much during my month here (didn’t think I would actually because it my 3rd time in the department and I just thought it would be the same). Clearly I was wrong there are a few things that still are the same, but there is so much new stuff I have learned like the following:

- Using Synxis (CRS – system) to double check the bookings as well as how to build a synxis booking that has not intergraded into the PMS system.

- Building bookings for : ecco tours , and expedia

- Adjusting Rates to suit bookings

- Using the wild key to pick up profiles.

- Laser fiche (document manager)

- Building a COMP booking

So there is quite a lot. This is really one department I see myself in once I have done studying. There’s so much work, there’s pressure, there’s challenges all the things I love about hospitality can be found in a reservations department.

Thank you to all in the office for training me on all the new changes and being there for me when I needed help and of course the chats and laughs. It is greatly appreciated.

Then on a small separate note:
Well done to Mariska Rademeyer on her promotion from group reservationists to the new Reservations manager congratulations Mariska I know you will do well and good luck!

Hotel Guy

1 comment:

  1. Wow, nice post,there are many person searching about that now they will find enough resources by your post.Thank you for sharing to us.Please one more post about that..
